
Listing of Tables
Currently, only rms is valid.
Some services, such as rcontrol, must have exclusive access to the database, requiring
that other transactions wait until they complete. The sequential field should be set to
1 for these services. Others such as swctrl may run for long periods of time and should
not block the execution of other transactions. sequential should be set to 0 for these
Sample records from the services table are shown in Table 10.27.
Table 10.27: Entries in the Services Table
name hostname group sequential command
rcontrol rmshost rms 1 /usr/opt/rms/bin/rcontrol
sql rmshost rms 1 /usr/opt/rms/bin/rmsquery
10.2.21 The Software Products Table
The software_products shown in Table 10.28, contains information about the
components that make up a software product.
Table 10.28: Software Products Table
Field Type Description
name char(16) name of the product
version char(16) version of the product
component char(16) name of the component
comptype char(16) type of component
compversion char(32) version of the component
compattr text component attributes
The only valid value for the comptype field is subset.
The compattr field currently contains one value which dictates where a software
component will be installed. The possible values are shown in Table 10.29.
Table 10.29: Component Attribute Values
Value Description
opt Component should only be installed on rmshost
root Component should be installed on rmshost and the
cluster root node(s)
10-22 The RMS Database