
Central Management 95
If you type “N”, the message appears:
The action has been canceled
If you type y, the following message appears
The system is going down
Operation Mode Selector menu
(Figure 75) appears.
For commands involving ports 2 through 24, the following message
This action will reset port
Do you want to proceed (Y/[N])? :
Ty p e y to proceed or n to abort and press <Enter>. The default is n.
If you type “N”, the message appears:
The action has been canceled
Press ENTER to continue...
If you type y, the following message appears:
The system is going down
This is followed by the
Operation Mode Selector
menu (Operation Mode
Selector Menu).
Figure 75 Operation Mode Selector Menu
The default selection in the
Operation Mode Selector
menu is
, software
execution from the flash. If the user waits 5 seconds, software execution
from the flash occurs. For the other options, see the section Loading a
New Software Release Through the LMA.
3Com NCD. (C)
10Base-S Boot loader V2.00
Date: Jun 15 1999, Time: 16:13:31
CPE modem Operation Mode Selector.
S - for Serial loading OR
D - for Debug operation OR
F - for SW execution from the Flash OR
C - for MAC address programming.