
VCN AC Features 17
Figure 5
The Uncovered LMA ports of the VCN AC
Central Management
Central management of all VCN AC ports is performed through LMA port
1 (the leftmost LMA of the VCN AC) or Telnet. The user sends commands
to the management agent in card slot 1 through a locally attached
management terminal or remotely through a Telnet session. The
management agent controls the communications ports by sending them
commands and receiving responses through a proprietary management
message set. The user monitors and manages the VCN AC from a single
point and can view status and statistical information on the VCN AP-VCN
AC lines as well as perform certain configurational options such as setting
full or half duplex.
Remote Management
An VCN AC can be centrally and remotely managed via Telnet. Instead of
attaching a terminal to the LMA, the user connects to the VCN AC
management agent (in the leftmost card slot) though the Telnet protocol
over the Internet. Access is password protected. Messages in the
management user interface are carried in the VCN AC card slot 1 LAN
port, which is connected by an Ethernet link to an Ethernet switch. It is
not neccesary for LMA port 1 to be used.
34 5 6 789101112131415161718192021222324
The Uncovered LMA
port 1
port 24