This manual is intended for the owner, operator, or ins taller of Tannoy 110 s eries s ubwoofers . It is a guide for
insta lling, setting up and opera ti ng the 1 1 0 se rie s in a ccorda nce with e sta blished code s and pract ice s available at the
t ime of publicat ion. It does not and cannot det a il a ll possible mou nt ing or w iring configurati ons. The end user is a dv ise d
t o reta in t he adv ice and service s of a qualifie d cont ract or who is f amilia r with local codes and traine d in the installat ion
of Tannoy professional audio sys tems.
Th e 110 family o f su b wo o fers h as b een en g in eered to d eliver lo w freq u en cy exten sio n an d im p act fro m eith er a
conce a le d ce iling mou nt ed posit ion or an unobt rusiv e corner posit ion, at any height from floor t o ceiling.
The 11 0 Se rie s su bwoofers fe ature a 1 0 " long ex cursion driver capable of low e nd response down to 31 Hz and power
handling in e x ce ss of 10 0 Wa tts. It s design is fully comple me nt ary t o any Tannoy full range w all or ceiling mou nt
Three different subwoofer cabinet designs and six different input " modules" offer a wide range of combinations
t hat can me e t almost any in sta llati on challe nge, a nd fit into any indoor environme nt .
Today 's sou nd reinforceme nt sy stems–whe the r in comme rcial or in stitu ti onal e nv ironment s–must ha ndle progr am
materia l that de ma nds high impact, high-fide lity a udio reproducti on. At t he same t ime, t he y must be nea rly inv isible.
The Tannoy 11 0 Se rie s of subwoof e rs mee t all of th ese criteria without compromise .
110SR (Sh eet Ro ck)110TB (Tile Brid g e ) 110C S (Corn er Su b )