Tannoy SUBWOOFERS Speaker User Manual

3) Back o ff the coupling nut com pletely (Fig. 11) and thread o n a backing nut with which to lock threads to the coupler .
Hold the coupler up to the hanger bolt to estimate the half way point of the coupler, and set the backing nut to
that height before re- installing the coupler and tightening it in place with a socket and an open end wrench.
Thread a backing nut onto the threaded rod (or an eyebolt) far enough s o the rod can be threaded into the coupler
un til it sto p s, h aving reach ed th e h ang er b o lt in sid e . N o w tig h ten u p th e b ackin g n ut o n th e ro d to secure it fro m
t urn ing, until it looks like (F ig . 4 ). Reme mbe r t hat t he rod cou ld othe rw ise be an eyebolt , if y ou are usin g t he w ire
rope suspensionmethod, or a Hilti™ type fastener. Be sure to follow local building codes.
4) Alw ay s install and u t iliz e all fou r point s, and it shou ld look like (F ig . 1 3 ). In t his phot o, t he t urn buckles h a v e be e n
added to the ends of the rods. The closed eyebo lt on the turnb uckle has been remo ved and replaced with the
threaded rod. N ote that the turnb uckle is stamp ed with an L ” to identify the load or live end. Ob serve the correct
ass embly procedure from rod to eye- hook.
5) It’s now a fairly simple proce dur e to place t he su bwoof er on to t he aw a it ing h ooks. Two people, on t w o separate
ladders can n ow h oist t he sub in t o place . Wh e n in st alle d , it can ea sily be le v e led w it h a few t u rns o n t h e turn bu ckle s
(Fig . 14).
6) If no su ita ble point e x ist s dir e ct ly above t he desir e d locat ion , y ou can u se w ire ro pe or ch a in t o make conn e ct ions
that are not perpendicular to the suspensionpoint(s). Under nocircumstances shouldthe angles exceed +/- 15
degrees from vertical. Make certain that you follo w closely the instructions and regulations for the use of wire
rope for overhead suspension. Serious injury could result if guidelines and safety margins are not closely obeyed.
Figure 8: Wire rope detailing
suspension or seismic tether
Figure 9: Installed subwoofer top view,
only two c hains attached
Figure 10: Completed subwoofer installation.
Figure 11: Installing the hanger bolt
Figure 12: Installed hanger bolt