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Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am 7645install.fm
Chapter 5. Installation
In this chapter we will discuss installation of the pre-requisite middleware, the
Maximo base set of services (sometimes referred to as the Tivoli Process
Automation Platform) and the Maximo Asset Management Essentials-specific
process solution package.
Our examples will based on the following software components:
– Windows 2003 Server
– WebSphere 6.1 Application Server
– DB2 Database Platform
– Maximo Asset Manager Essentials 7.1 application
Though our examples will primarily demonstrate a single server environment, we
realize most production environments will be (and should be) comprised of
multiple servers. The process is much the same, and we will highlight those
areas where a variation in the process might exist.
For more information refer to the following installation guides:
Installation Guide IBM WebSphere Application Server (MAM
Installation Guide BEA WebLogic Server (MAM Essentials71_install_bea.pdf)