7645ax01.fm Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am
122 Maximo Essentials V7.1 - Implementer’s Guide
Bulletin Board Used to create, post and view messages as well as
to broadcast information to users of the Maximo
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Used to create and manage generic
communication templates that Maximo users can
leverage to standardize frequently used e-mail
communications (also known as notifications)
Calendars Used to indicate working time for equipment, craft
and labor records for an organization and its
associated sites
Sets Used to create a framework for sharing item and
company (vendor) data across multiple
Work View Used to make queries available for display in the
Result Set portlet of a Maximo user's Start Center
Expression Manager
Use the Conditional Expression Manager
application to create and maintain a library of
conditions. In other applications, such as
Application Designer and Security Groups, you
select from predefined conditions to set up
conditional behavior
REPORTING KPI Manager Used to create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
to track critical performance variables over time
Used to create reports, generate and preview
request pages, add parameters, display reports as
toolbar icons, email reports, or specify a schedule
for running a reports
RESOURCES People Used to maintain records of people
Person Group Used to maintain person groups. A person group
consists of people, who may or may not be
Crafts Used to define and maintain craft records
Labor Used to define and maintain labor records
Qualifications Used to create qualifications and certification
requirements for qualifications