Instruction Manual
1-17. Wideband AC Voltage (Option 5700-03) Specifications
Table 1-21. Wideband AC Voltage (Option 5700-03) Specifications
Specifications apply to the end of the cable and 50
termination used for calibration
Range Resolution
Absolute Uncertainty
±5 °C from calibration temperature
30 Hz-500 kHz
Volts dBm 24 Hours 90 Days 180 Days 1 Year
± (% output + µV)
1.1 mV -46 10 nV 0.4 + 0.4 00.5 + 0.4 00.6 + 0.4 0.8 + 2
3 mV -37 10 nV 0.4 + 1 0.45 + 1 00.5 + 1 0.7 + 3
11 mV -26 100 nV 0.2 + 4 0.35 + 4 00.5 + 4 0.7 + 8
33 mV -17 100 nV 0.2 + 10 00.3 + 10 0.45 + 10 0.6 + 16
110 mV -6.2 1 µV 0.2 + 40 00.3 + 40 0.45 + 40 0.6 + 40
330 mV +3.4 1 µV 0.2 + 100 0 2.5 + 100 0.35 + 100 0.5 + 100
1.1 V +14 10 µV 0.2 + 400 0.25 + 400 0.35 + 400 0.5 + 400
3.5 V +24 10 µV 0.15 + 500 00.2 + 500 00.3 + 500 0.4 + 500
Frequency Frequency
Amplitude Flatness, 1 kHz Reference
Voltage Range
Time To
1.1 mV 3 mV >3 mV
Hz Hz ± (% output + floor indicated) ±ppm/°C Seconds dB
00 10 - 30 0.01 0.3 0.3 0.3 100 7 -40
00 30 - 120 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 7 -40
0 120 - 1.2 k 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 5 -40
01.2 k - 12 k 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 5 -40
0 12 k - 120 k 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 5 -40
120 k - 1.2 M 100 00.2 + 3 µV 00.1 + 3 µV 0.1 + 3 µV 100 5 -40
1.2 M - 2 M 100 k 00.2 + 3 µV 00.1 + 3 µV 0.1 + 3 µV 100 0.5 -40
0 2 M - 10 M 100 k 00.4 + 3 µV 00.3 + 3 µV 0.2 + 3 µV 100 0.5 -40
10 M - 20 M 1 M 00.6 + 3 µV 00.5 + 3 µV 0.4 + 3 µV 150 0.5 -34
20 M - 30 M 1 M 10.5 + 15 µV 10.5 + 3 µV 0 1 + 3 µV 300 0.5 -34
Additional Operating Information:
dBm reference = 50 Ω
Range boundaries are at voltage points, dBm levels are approximate.
dBm = 10 log
1 mW
) ; 0.22361 V across 50 Ω = 1 mW or 0 dBm
Minimum output: 300 µV (-57 dBm)
Frequency uncertainty: ±0.01 %
Frequency resolution: 11,999 counts to 1.1999 MHz, 119 counts to 30 MHz.
Overload protection: A short circuit on the wideband output will not result in damage. After settling time, normal operation is
restored upon removal.