The linear power calibration takes up-to-5 minutes to
complete. It calibrates the output power at the refer
ence plane for both internal sources (power out of
Port 1 then Port 3) according to the target power
across the frequency range set in the calibration speci
fication file. When the test completes, the “Next” but
ton will become available.
Step 5. Press “Next” to calibrate flat power response (below).
The flat power calibration also takes less than 1 min
ute to complete. It calibrates the output power at the
reference plane for both internal sources (power out
of Port 1 then Port 3) according to the target power
across the frequency range set in the calibration speci
fication file. When the test completes, the “Next” but
ton will become available.
4-6 ME 7840A OMM