ME7840A software is delivered on a CD. The ANRITSU Power Tools li
brary Version 4.0 or higher, which is required to be installed on the target
system (the PC which is receiving the installation of ME7840A software).
Power Tools Version 4.0 is also included in the ME7840A Software CD.
Installation Run the appropriate Setup.exe files to install Power Tools then the
ME7840A software (Figure 2-5). During installation, the system may in
dicate that some files being installed already exist. In general it is best to
accept copying newer versions of files and reject copying older versions. If
in doubt, cancel the installation, backup the files in question, and try
again. The Readme.txt file lists the files and versions copied to the target
system during installation of ME7840A Software.
The system may also copy some files during ME7840A installation
andthen ask you to reboot. If this happens, reboot your Windows PC and
run the ME7840A Setup.exe program again after rebooting.
What else is on the
The CD includes a Readme.txt file in the root directory and two folders.
The readme file contains specific instructions for installing the software
and a listing of the features in the version being installed. The folders are
as follows:
q Power Tools Version 4.0 Installation files
PATS Installation Files
Uninstalling the
To uninstall ME7840A software or Power Tools go to the Windows Control
Panel and click on “Add/Remove Programs.” Select the programs you
would like to remove and follow instructions.
ME7840A OMM 2-7