Chapter 4
Operations, Calibration
4-1 INTRODUCTION Measurements always include a degree of uncertainty due to imperfec
tions in the measurement system. The measured value is always a combi
nation of the actual value plus the systematic measurement errors. Cali
bration, as it applies to network analysis, characterizes the systematic
measurement errors and subtracts them from the measured value to ob
tain the actual value. Each of the ME7840A measurements requires a cal
ibration to account for measurement uncertainties. This chapter de
scribes the measurement calibration operations of the Model ME7840A
Power Amplifier Test System software.
Refer to Chapter 3 for general operation and setup of the ME7840A.
4-3 PROGRAM FILES The PATS software sets up the MS462XC DRA Scorpion according to in-
structions in the “Calibration Specification” files, which are accessed from
the “Tools,” “Run Calibration Procedure” function that is described later
in this chapter. These are user-editable text files that establish the condi-
tions during calibration and measurement. How to edit these files is de-
scribed in Appendix A.
The calibration data and Scorpion switch settings that result from follow
ing a “Run Calibration Procedure” specification file are saved as a *.cal
file. These *.cal files are accessed using the “Tools,” “Calibration File Op
tion” function that was described in paragraph 3-6, page 3-8. When one
of these files is recalled using the “Calibration File Option,” the Scorpion
is ready to acquire correct (calibrated) measurements.
Examples of instrument settings / conditions that reside in the Calibra
tion Specification files include:
Sweep start and stop frequencies
Number of data points
Source 1 and 2 power levels
Scorpion IF bandwidth
Scorpion display settings
Some of these parameters can also be specified / modified by the User In
put window before each actual measurement so long as such modification
is consistent with the calibration to be applied.
ME7840A POM 4-1