Notation Conventions
Before you use this book, it is important to understand the types of keys on
the front panel of the analyzer and how they are denoted in this book.
Hardkeys Hardkeys are front-panel buttons whose functions are always the same.
Hardkeys have a label printed directly on the key. In this book, they are printed like this:
Softkeys Softkeys are keys whose functions change with the analyzer’s current menu
selection. A softkey’s function is indicated by a video label to the left of the key (at the
edge of the analyzer’s screen). In this book, softkeys are printed like this: [
Toggle Softkeys Some softkeys toggle through multiple settings for a parameter.
Toggle softkeys have a word highlighted (of a different color) in their label. Repeated
presses of a toggle softkey changes which word is highlighted with each press of the
softkey. In this book, toggle softkey presses are shown with the requested toggle state
in bold type as follows:
“Press [
key name on
]”means“pressthesoftkey [
key name
] until the selection on is active.”
Shift Functions In addition to their normal labels, keys with blue lettering also have a
shift function. This is similar to shift keys on an pocket calculator or the shift function
on a typewriter or computer keyboard. Using a shift function is a two-step process.
First, press the blue [
] key (at this point, the message “shift” appears on the
display). Then press the key with the shift function you want to enable.
Shift function are printed as two key presses, like this:
Shift Function
Numeric Entries Numeric values may be entered by using the numeric keys in the
lower right hand ENTRY area of the analyzer front panel. In this book values which are
to be entered from these keys are indicted only as numerals in the text, like this:
Press 50, [
Ghosted Softkeys A softkey label may be shown in the menu when it is inactive. This
occurs when a softkey function is not appropriate for a particular measurement or not
available with the current analyzer configuration. To show that a softkey function is not
available, the analyzer ‘’ghosts’’ the inactive softkey label. A ghosted softkey appears
less bright than a normal softkey. Settings/values may be changed while they are
inactive. If this occurs, the new settings are effective when the configuration changes
such that the softkey function becomes active.