
Edit Fields 55
Edit Fields
Setup uses overwrite mode in text editing fields. That is, the cursor keys cannot be
used to move to a location in the text to insert characters. Upon entry to a text field,
the cursor is placed at the last text location. Use the following keystrokes:
Backspace Move cursor left by deleting that character.
Shift-Backspace Reset the field to its default value.
Alphanumeric keys enter text in the normal, shifted, or control state. To generate a
control character (00h-1Fh) add 40h and use Ctrl with the character in the new
position (40h-5Fh). For example, to insert CR-LF (0Dh, 0Ah) codes, press Ctrl-M,
Ctrl-J (4Dh, 4Ah). The compose and meta functions can also be used to generate
8-bit characters.