ATON AH66T-KT Radio User Manual

© ATON 2010 | All rights reserved. Page 67
Key Command List
0000 = All zones off (System OFF)
0004 = Return all zones to previous audio source (Page OFF)
0005 = Route ‘Page Audio In’ to all enabled zones (Page ON group 0)
0006 = Page on/off toggle - group 0
0007 = Return all zones to previous audio source (Doorbell OFF)
0008 = Route ‘Page Audio In’ to all zones (Doorbell ON)
0009 = Doorbell on/off toggle
0010 = Allow zone to be included in WHM & PAGE (DND OFF)
0011 = Exempt zone from WHM & PAGE (DND ON)
0012 = Do Not Disturb on/off toggle
0013 = All zones independent - no source tracking (WHM OFF)
0014 = All zones track current A/V source (WHM ON)
0015 = Whole House Music on/off toggle
0016 = Zone OFF
0017 = Zone ON
0018 = Zone ON/OFF toggle
0019 = Zone audio un-mute
0020 = Zone audio mute
0021 = Zone audio mute toggle
0022 = Disable loudness filter
0023 = Enable loudness filter
0024 = Loudness on/off toggle
003 = Zone treble down
0033 = Zone treble up
0034 = Zone bass down
Prefix Parameter 1 Parameter 2
ZZ (Zone)
Parameter 3
&AH66 KEY 1-12 abcd