162 C2630M-B (4/08)
The following table describes the parts of the Port Device page.
The following table lists the ports and the associated serial data communication standard they support.
• For COM1: RS-232 is the default serial data standard.
• For Port 1 to 4: RS-422 and RS-485 are the available serial data standards.
Table AQ. Parts of the Port Device Page
Item Part Description
Port Communications port drop-down box, where you select the port for connecting a device to the DX8100.
The available choices are as follows:
• COM1: Uses RS-232 serial data standard.
• Port 1 to 4: Uses either RS-422 or RS-485 serial data standard.
Device Attached device drop-down box, where the type of device is selected to be interfaced to the DX8100
through the communication port.
Configure Device configuration button that opens the Device Configuration dialog box. The Device Configuration
dialog box performs two functions, depending on the type of device selected.
• KBD300A and dome devices: only displays device configuration information.
• ATM/POS devices: allows you to configure ATM/POS device options and parameters for the selected
Install Protocol installation button that opens the Protocol Install dialog box. The Protocol Install dialog box allows
you to do the following:
• View the current device protocols already installed.
• Update the device protocols.
Interface Mode Interface mode drop-down box that allows you to select the serial data standard for the selected device.
The DX8100 supports COM1 (RS-232) and Port 1 to Port 4 (RS-422/RS-485).
Baud Rate Baud rate drop-down box that allows you to select the baud rate for each device. Available baud rates are
as follows: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200.
Parity Parity drop-down box. You select the parity for none, odd, or even.
Data Bits Data bits drop-down box. Configure the number of data bits for 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Stop Bits Stop bits drop-down box. Select the number of stop bits for 1 or 2.
Table AR. DX8100 Ports and Serial Data Communication Standards
Serial Data Standard Supported
RS-232 RS-422 RS-485