
C2630M-B (4/08) 157
c. To select the NTP server, do one of the following:
Do nothing and accept the default SNTP Server option button. In this case, a NTP server is used to provide time synchronization.
Click the DX8100 NTP Server option button to select the DX8100 to provide time synchronization for the network.
d. To specify the NTP server addressing, do one of the following:
If the DX8100 NTP Server option is selected, the URL option is not available. In this case, the IP option button is automatically
selected and you must provide the DX8100 NTP Server IP address.
If the SNTP Server options is selected, you can do nothing and accept the default URL option button. In this case, you must enter
the SNTP Server URL.
Click the IP option button and enter the SNTP Server IP address.
e. Enter either the NTP server URL or IP address.
f. Accept the default NPT server port number or enter a port number.
5. Click OK. The DX8100 attempts to locate the NTP server. If successful, the NTP server is added to the NTP Server List. The DX8100 displays
the message “NTP server not found” if the server cannot be located.
Editing a NTP Time Server
To edit a NTP time server:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog opens to the Camera page.
2. In the Setup dialog box, click . The Network page is displayed.
3. Click the NTP tab. The NTP page is displayed.
Figure 136. Editing a NTP Time Server
4. In the NTP Server drop-down box, select a NTP server.
Figure 137. Selecting a NTP Server
5. Click Add / Edit / Delete. The NTP Server List dialog box opens.
6. In the Server List, select a server.