LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 6: Security
ቢ Change to the register card 'Security in the 'Management' configuration
ባ Enter as call number within 'configuration access' a call number of your
connection, which is not used for other purposes.
Enter alternatively the following instruction:
set /setup/config-module/farconfig-(EAZ-MSN) 123456
The ISDN administrative account is excluded as only configuration
method from in the following described restrictions of network access
methods. I.e. all on the Admin MSN incoming connections are not
limited by the access restrictions of remote networks
If you want to completely switch off the ISDN remote management,
leave the field with Admin MSN empty.
Limit the network configuration access
The access to the internal functions can be controlled separately for accesses
from the local or from distant networks - for all configuration services sepa-