
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 11: Wireless LAN – WLAN
Wireless LAN – WLAN
keys: a special key for each logical WLAN interface and three common group
WEP keys for each physical WLAN interface.
If 802.1x/EAP is in use and the 'dynamic key generation and
transmission' is activated, the group keys from 802.1x/EAP will be
used and are consequently no longer available for WEP encryption.
Rules of the entry of the keys can be found in the description of the WEP group
key ’Rules for entering WEP keys’ page 243.
Configuration with
The tab '802.11i/WEP' in the configuration area 'WLAN Security' is used for
setting the three WEP keys 2 to 4. Open the list with the button for WEP
Group Keys. These WEP keys apply to the physical WLAN interface and thus
globally to all of the associated logical WLAN interfaces.
Configuration with
WEBconfig or Telnet
Under WEBconfig or Telnet you will find the group keys for the physical WLAN
interface under the following paths:
Configuration tool Menu/Table
WEBconfig Expert configuration ̈ Setup ̈ Interfaces ̈ WLAN-
Interfaces̈ Group-Keys
cd /Setup/Interfaces/WLAN-Interfaces/