
̈ Chapter 13: Server services for the LAN LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Server services for the LAN
̈ period of validity for the parameters assigned
The DHCP server takes the IP addresses either from a freely defined address
pool or determines the addresses automatically from its own IP address (or
intranet address).
In DHCP mode, a completely unconfigured device can even automatically
assign IP addresses to itself and the computers in the network.
In the simplest case, all that is required is to connect the new device to a net-
work without other DHCP servers and switch it on. The DHCP server then
interacts with LANconfig using a wizard and handles all of the address assign-
ments in the local network itself.
13.1.2 DHCP—'on', 'off' or 'auto'?
The DHCP server can be set to three different states:
̈ 'on': The DHCP server is permanently active. The configuration of the
server (validity of the address pool) is checked when this value is entered.
When correctly configured, the device will be available to the network
as a DHCP server.
In the event of an incorrect configuration (e.g. invalid pool limits), the
DHCP server is disabled and switches to the 'off' state.
̈ 'off': The DHCP server is permanently disabled.
̈ 'auto': In this mode, after switching it on, the device automatically looks
for other DHCP servers within the local network. This search can be rec-
ognized by the LAN-Rx/Tx LED flashing.
The device then disables its own DHCP server if any other DHCP serv-
ers are found. This prevents the unconfigured device from assigning
addresses not in the local network when switched on.
The device then enables its own DHCP server if no other DHCP servers
are found.
Whether the DHCP server is active or not can be seen in the DHCP statis-
The default setting for this condition is 'auto'.