LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 12: Office communications with LANCAPI
Office communications with
୴ It is also possible to set the interval at which the client checks whether
the found or listed servers are still active.
12.3 How to use the LANCAPI
Two options are available for the use of the LANCAPI:
̈ You may use software which interacts directly with a CAPI (in this case,
the LANCAPI) port. This type of software searches for the CAPI during its
installation and uses it automatically.
̈ Other programs such as LapLink can establish a variety of connection
types, for example, using Windows Dial-Up Networking. You may select
the installed communications device that you would like to use when cre-
ating a new dial-up connection. For the LANCAPI, select the entry 'ISDN
WAN Line 1'.
12.4 The LANCOM CAPI Faxmodem
The CAPI Faxmodem provides a Windows fax driver (Fax Class 1) as an inter-
face between the LANCAPI and applications, permitting the use of standard
fax programs with an LANCOM.