
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 3: Configuration and management
Configuration and manage-
3.2 Configuration software
Situations in which the device is configured vary—as do the personal require-
ments and preferences of the person doing the configuration. LANCOM rout-
ers thus feature a broad selection of configuration software:
̈ LANconfig – nearly all parameters of the LANCOM can be set quickly and
with ease using this menu-based application. Outband, inband and
remote configuration are supported, even for multiple devices simultane-
̈ WEBconfig – this software is permanently installed in the router. All that
is required on the workstation used for the configuration is a web
browser. WEBconfig is thus independent of operating systems. Inband
and remote configuration are supported.
̈ SNMP – device-independent programs for the management of IP net-
works are generally based on the SNMP protocol. It is possible to access
the LANCOM inband and via remote configuration using SNMP.
̈ Terminal program, Telnet – an LANCOM can be configured with a ter-
minal program via the config interface (e.g. HyperTerminal) or within an
IP network (e.g. Telnet).
̈ TFTP – the file transfer protocol TFTP can to a limited extent also be used
within IP networks (inband and remote configuration).
Please note that all procedures access the same configuration data.
For example, if you change the settings in LANconfig, this will also
have a direct effect on the values under WEBconfig and Telnet.
3.2.1 Configuration using LANconfig
Start LANconfig by, for example, using the Windows Start menu: Start ̈
Programs ̈ LANCOM ̈ LANconfig. LANconfig will now automatically
search for devices on the local network. It will automatically launch the setup
wizard if a device which has not yet been configured is found on the local area
network LANconfig.
Find new devices
Click on the Find button or call up the command with Device / Find to initi-
ate a search for a new device manually. LANconfig will then prompt for a loca-
tion to search. You will only need to specify the local area network if using the
inband solution, and then you're off.