
̈ Chapter 8: Firewall LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
̈ SNMP/LANmonitor: Sends a SNMP trap, that will be analyzed e. g. by
Each of these three message measures leads automatically to an entry
in the Firewall event table.
̈ Disconnect: Cuts the connection, over which the filtered packet has been
On the occasion, the physical connection will be cut off (e. g. the
Internet connection), not only the logical connection between the two
involved PCs!
̈ Lock source address: Blocks the IP address from that the filtered packet
has been received for a given time.
̈ Lock target port: Blocks the destination port to that the filtered packet
has been sent for a given time.
Quality of Service (QoS)
Apart from the restrictions for the transfer of data packets, the Firewall can
also concede a “special treatment” to certain applications. QoS settings use
features of the Firewall to specifically identify data packets of certain connec-
tions or services.
For further information about QoS and the appropriate configuration
please see chapter ’Quality of Service’ page 168.
8.3.5 Alerting functions of the Firewall
This paragraph describes the Firewall alerts in detail that are sent on security-
relevant events. The following message types are available:
̈ Email notification
̈ SYSLOG report
̈ SNMP trap
Alerts are triggered either separately by the intrusion detection system, by the
denial of service protection or by arbitrary trigger conditions specified in the