
̈ Chapter 3: Configuration and management LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Configuration and manage-
̈ Status
Contains all read-only statistics of the individual SW modules
̈ Setup
Contains all configurable parameters of all SW modules of the device
̈ Firmware
Contains all firmware-management relevant actions and tables
̈ Other
Contains dialling, boot, reset and upload actions
3.8.1 Command line reference
Navigating the command line can be accomplished by DOS and UNIX style
commands as follows:
Command Description
cd <directory> Change the current directory. Certain abbreviations exists,
e.g. ”cd ../..” can be abbreviated to ”cd ...” etc.
del <name>
rm <name>
Delete the table entry with the index <name>
dir [<directory>]
ls [<directory>]
ll [<directory>]
Display the contents of a directory
do <name> [<parameters>] Execute the action <name> in the current directory.
Parameters can be specified
exit/quit/x Close the console session
feature <code> Unlock the feature with the specified feature code
passwd change password
ping [IP address] Issues an ICMP echo request to the specified IP address
readconfig Displays the complete configuration of the device in
”readconfig” syntax
readmib display SNMP Management Information Base
repeat <VALUE> <command> repeats command every VALUE seconds until terminated
by new input
stop stop ping
set <name> <value(s)> Set a configuration item to the specified value. If the item
is a table entry, multiple values must be given (one for
each table column). A ”*” as a value indicates that the
column in question should be left at its previous value.