̈ Chapter 14: Virtual Private Networks—VPN LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Virtual Private Networks—
“VPN-GW1-REMOTE”). Enter each subnet in the form “%A10.1.0.0
ቨ Under Configuration ̈ Firewall/QoS ̈ Rules table define a new
firewall rule named “VPN-GW1-OUT”. Set the objects to “CPN-GW1-
LOCAL” and “VPN-GW1-REMOTE”, the protocol to “ANY” and the action
to “ACCEPT”. Activate the option “VPN rule” so that the IP networks
described in this rule will be used in establishing VPN network
As a rule, it is recommended that you keep the rules used for making
network relationships separate from those firewall rules that affect
the services used in communications, for example.
ቩ Now for the incoming data transmissions, generate a firewall rule named
“VPN-GWY1-IN” with the same parameters as the rule just described. The