
LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 8: Firewall
Meaning of the flags of the connection list
Port block list
Address, protocol and port of a destination station are filed in the port block
list, if blocking of the destination port on the destination station was selected
as a filter’s packet action. This table is likewise a sorted semi-dynamic table.
Flag Flag meaning
00000001 TCP: SYN sent
00000002 TCP: SYN/ACK received
00000004 TCP: waiting for ACK of the server
00000008 all: open connection
00000010 TCP: FIN received
00000020 TCP: FIN sent
00000040 TCP: RST sent or received
00000080 TCP: session will be re-established
00000100 FTP: passive FTP connection will be established
00000400 H.323: belonging to T.120 connection
00000800 connection via loopback interface
00001000 checking concatenated rules
00002000 rule is catenated
00010000 destination is on "local
00020000 destination is on default route
00040000 destination is on VPN route
00080000 physical connection is not established
00100000 source is on default route
00200000 source is on VPN route
00800000 no route for destination
01000000 contains global actions with condition