̈ Chapter 11: Wireless LAN – WLAN LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Wireless LAN – WLAN
ቨ The receiving end also has amplifying and attenuating elements. If the
same antenna is used as at the transmitter, the antenna gain is 18 dB and
the loss from cable (again 4m), lightning protection and plug connectors
is 5 dB. The radio signal thus arrives at the receiver's radio module with
the following power:
- 97 dBm + 18 dBi - 5 dB = -84 dBm.
ቩ From the table for reception sensitivity of the radio module, the attainable
data rate can be read off, in this case 24 Mbps:
This values are the result of a calculation that includes a 'safety
margin' of 10dB. As every radio path is unique, these values can only
serve as a rough guide.
11.5.3 Emitted power and maximum distance
For a simplified calculation of attainable distances and data rates for
AirLancer Extender antennae, please refer to the following table. All tables
include a 10 dB safety reserve and can be considered to be realistic.
For each antenna, the table has a column for point-to-point mode (P2P,
connection between two access points) and for point-to-multipoint mode
Reception sensitivity 802.11a [dBm]
Mbps 5.150 -5.725 GHz 5.725 -5.850 GHz
12 -88 -83
18 -87 -82
24 -85 -80
36 -81 -76
48 -76 -71
54 -73 -68
72 (Turbo) -78 -73
96 (Turbo) -73 -68
108 (Turbo) -70 -65