LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 ̈ Chapter 9: Quality of Service
Quality of Service
(e.g. Voice over IP), this extra overhead is quite noticeable. Examples for
the external overhead:
WEBconfig, Telnet
Under WEBconfig or Telnet the restrictions of data transfer rates for Ethernet,
DSL and DSLoL interfaces are entered at the following places:
Only upstream and downstream rates are indicated by Kbps, external
overhead in bytes/packet.
Transfer External
PPPoEoA 36 bytes additional headers, loss by not completely used ATM cells
PPTP 24 bytes additional headers, loss by not completely used ATM cells
IPoA (LLC) 22 bytes additional headers, loss by not completely used ATM cells
IPoA (VC-MUX) 18 bytes additional headers, loss by not completely used ATM cells
Cable modem 0 direct transfer of Ethernet packets
Configuration tool Run
WEBconfig Setup/Interfaces/DSL Interfaces
Telnet Setup/Interfaces/DSL Interfaces