Using a Compiler Listing
Line <--------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------------------------><---- Comments ----> Src Seq
Number ....1....+....2....+<-------- 26 - 35 -------->....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Id Number
33 C******************************************************************** 002000
34 C* MAINLINE * 002100
35 C******************************************************************** 002200
36 C WRITE FOOT1 002300
37 C WRITE HEAD 002400
38 C EXFMT PROMPT 002500
39C* 002600
40 C DOW NOT *IN03 002700
41 C CSTKEY | SETLL CMLREC2 ----20 002800
42 C | IF *IN20 002900
43 C | | MOVE '1' *IN61 003000
44 C | ELSE 003100
45 C | | EXSR SFLPRC 003200
46C |END 003300
47 C | IF NOT *IN03 003400
48 C | | IF *IN04 003500
49 C | | | IF *IN61 003600
50 C | | | | WRITE FOOT1 003700
51 C | | | | WRITE HEAD 003800
52 C | | | ENDIF 003900
53 C | | | EXFMT PROMPT 004000
54 C | | ENDIF 004100
55 C | ENDIF 004200
56 C ENDDO 004300
57C* 004500
58 C SETON LR---- 004600
Figure 33. Sample Source Part of the Listing with Indentation
Correcting Compilation Errors
The main sections of a compiler listing that are useful for fixing compilation errors
The source section
The Additional Messages section
The /COPY table section
The various summary sections.
In-line diagnostic messages, which are found in the source section, point to errors
which the compiler can flag immediately. Other errors are flagged after additional
information is received during compilation. The messages which flag these errors
are in the source section and Additional Messages section.
To aid you in correcting any compilation errors, you may want to include the
second-level message text in the listing — especially if you are new to RPG. To do
this, specify OPTION(*SECLVL) on either create command. This will add second-
level text to the messages listed in the message summary.
Finally, keep in mind that a compiler listing is a record of your program. Therefore,
if you encounter any errors when testing your program, you can use the listing to
check that the source is coded the way you intended it to be. Parts of the listing,
besides the source statements, which you may want to check include:
Match field table
If you are using the RPG cycle with match fields, then you can use this to
check that all your match fields are the correct lengths, and in the correct posi-
Output-buffer positions
66 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide