service program
binding with CRTBNDRPG 60
changing 93
creating 91
example 94
in advanced application 30
reasons for using 91
reclaiming resources 112
related CL commands 93
sample binder listing 100
strategies for creating 92
updating 100
service program creation
about 91
strategies 92
SET debug command
definition 164
setting breakpoints
about 177
conditional job breakpoints 181
conditional thread breakpoints 187
example 179, 182
unconditional job breakpoints 178
unconditional thread breakpoints 180
using statement numbers 185
setting debug options 171
source entry utility (SEU)
sharing an open data path for a file 277
sort sequence
affect of SRTSEQ parameter 279
ALTSEQ table in compiler listing 433
debug considerations 183
source debugging
adding an object to a session 172
built-in functions
%ADDR 206
%INDEX 206
%VARS 206
changing values using %SUBSTR 208
examples 207
general discussion 206
changing field values 208
changing modules while debugging 175
coordinating with listing options 69
creating a program for debugging 59
differences between ILE RPG and OPM
RPG/400 374
displaying attributes of 210
displaying data addressed by pointers 206
displaying data and expressions 199
displaying fields as hexadecimal values 205
displaying fields in character format 205
displaying fields in UCS-2 format 206
displaying fields in variable-length format 206
source debugging
displaying indicators 204
displaying multiple-occurrence data structures 203
displaying the contents of a table 202
displaying the contents of an array 202
general discussion 163
National Language Support 211
NLSS considerations 183
obtaining a formatted dump 251
OPM program limit in debug session 172
optimization effects 87, 164
overview 20
preparing a program 166
removing an object from a session 172, 173
rules for assigning values using EVAL 208
setting and removing breakpoints 177
setting debug options 171
setting watch conditions 188
starting the source debugger 170
stepping through 194
unexpected results 201
updating production files 171
viewing shorthand names 211
viewing source 174
source entry utility (SEU) 51
browsing a compiler listing 68
entering source 52
source from a data file, converting 390
source member types, conversion of 380
source physical file, creating 51
source program
converting all members 388
converting auto report source members 389
converting some members 388
converting to ILE RPG 382
entering into system 51
entering SQL statements 55
file and member names when converting 381
record length of when converting 380
source member types when converting 380
source section of compiler listing 426
special command keys 334
deleting records from 328
general discussion 327, 329
valid file operations 328
special routines, calling 157
specification templates, inserting 390
description of 3
externally described file 265
file description 265
order 3
record format 282
types 3
Index 461