Compiler Listings
Key Field Information
The Key Field Information section shows information about key fields for each
keyed file. It also shows information on any keys that are common to multiple
records (that is, common keys). Figure 223 shows an example.
| K e y F i e l d I n f o r m a t i o n
| File Internal External
| Record field name field name Attributes
| 2 KEYL6
| Common Keys:
| DATE *ISO- 10
| CHAR 3
| REC1
| FLD12 DATE *ISO- 10
| FLD13 CHAR 3
| FLD15 CHAR 5
| FLDC UCS2 5 13488
| FLDCV VUC2 5 13488
| FLDG GRPH 5 835
| REC2
| FLD22 DATE *ISO- 10
| FLD23 CHAR 3
| * * * * * E N D O F K E Y F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N * * * * *
Figure 223. Sample Key Field Information
Cross-Reference Table
The Cross-Reference table contains at least three lists:
files and records
global fields
In addition, it contains the local fields that are used by each subprocedure. Use this
table to check where files, fields and indicators are used within the
Note that the informational message RNF7031, which is issued when an identifier is
not referenced, will only appear in the cross-reference section of the listing and in
the message summary. It does not appear in the source section of the listing.
Names longer than 122 characters, will appear in the cross-reference section of the
listing split across multiple lines. The entire name will be printed with the characters
'...' at the end of the lines. If the final portion of the name is longer than 17 charac-
ters, the attributes and line numbers will be listed starting on the following line.
Figure 224 on page 435 shows an example for the module TRANSRPT, which has
two subprocedures.
| In this example, the Cross-Reference table shows the line numbers for each refer-
| ence. If you specify OPTION(*SRCSTMT) instead of OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT), the
| statement numbers will be displayed for each reference and the cross reference
| listing can extend beyond the first 80 columns of the listing.
434 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide