
Compiler Listings
| Statement Number
| Shows the statement number generated from the source ID
| number and the SEU sequence number as follows:
stmt_num = source_ID * 1000000 + source_SEU_sequence_number
| Use this number when debugging using statement numbers.
2 Compiler Options in Effect
Identifies the compiler options in effect. Displayed when compile-option
keywords are specified on the control specification.
3 File/Record Information
Identifies the externally described file and the records it contains.
4 DDS Information
Identifies from which externally described file the field information is
extracted. Shows the prefix value, if specified. Shows the format record
text if specified in the DDS.
5 Generated Specifications
Shows the specifications generated from the DDS, indicated by '='
beside the Line Number. Shows up to 50 characters of field text if it is
| specified in the DDS. Shows the initial value as specified by the INZ
| keyword on the definition specification. If INZ(*EXTDFT) is specified for
| externally described data structure subfields, the DDS default value is
| displayed. Default values that are too long to fit on one line are trun-
| cated and suffixed with '...'.
6 /COPY Member Information
Identifies which /COPY member is used. Shows the member text, if any.
Shows the date and time of the last change to the member.
7 /COPY Member Records
Shows the records from the /COPY member, indicated by a '+' beside
the Line Number.
8 Indentation
Shows how structured operations appear when you request that they be
9 Indicator Usage
Shows position of unused indicators, when an indicator is used.
Shows two statements excluded by an /IF directive, indicated by a
'-------' beside the statements. If the OPTION(*NOSHOWSKP) was spec-
ified these two statements would be replaced by: LINES EXCLUDED: 2.
Additional Diagnostic Messages
The Additional Diagnostic Messages section lists compiler messages which indicate
| errors spanning more than one line. When possible, the messages indicate the line
| number and sequence number of the source which is in error. Figure 218 on
| page 432 shows an example.
Appendix D. Compiler Listings 431