Starting the ILE Source Debugger
If the default values for either create command have been changed, you must
explicitly specify DBGVIEW(*STMT) and OUTPUT(*PRINT).
Starting the ILE Source Debugger
Once you have created the debug view (statement, source, COPY, or listing), you
can begin debugging your application. To start the ILE source debugger, use the
Start Debug (STRDBG) command. Once the debugger is started, it remains active
until you enter the End Debug (ENDDBG) command.
Initially you can add as many as 20 program objects to a debug session by using
the Program (PGM) parameter on the STRDBG command. They can be any combi-
nation of OPM or ILE programs. (Depending on how the OPM programs were com-
piled and also on the debug environment settings, you may be able to debug them
by using the ILE source debugger.) In addition, you can initially add as many as 20
service program objects to a debug session by using the Service Programs
(SRVPGM) parameter on the STRDBG command. The rules for debugging a
service program are the same as those for debugging a program:
The program or service program must have debug data.
You must have *CHANGE authority to a program or service program object to
include it in a debug session.
Note: If debugging a program using the COPY or root source view, the source
code must be on the same system as the program object being debugged.
In addition, the source code must be in a library/file(member) with the same
name as when it was compiled.
For an ILE program, the entry module is shown if it has debug data; otherwise, the
first module bound to the ILE program with debug data is shown.
For an OPM program, the first program specified on the STRDBG command is
shown if it has debug data, and the OPMSRC parameter is *YES. That is, if an
OPM program is in a debug session, then you can debug it using the ILE source
debugger if the following conditions are met:
1. The OPM program was compiled with OPTION(*LSTDBG) or
OPTION(*SRCDBG). (Three OPM languages are supported: RPG, COBOL,
and CL. RPG and COBOL programs can be compiled with *LSTDBG or
*SRCDBG, but CL programs must be compiled with *SRCDBG.
2. The ILE debug environment is set to accept OPM programs. You can do this
by specifying OPMSRC(*YES) on the STRDBG command. (The system default
is OPMSRC(*NO).)
If these two conditions are not met, then you must debug the OPM program with
the OPM system debugger.
If an OPM program compiled without *LSTDBG or *SRCDBG is specified and a
service program is specified, the service program is shown if it has debug data. If
there is no debug data, then the DSPMODSRC screen will be empty. If an ILE
program and a service program are specified, then the ILE program will be shown.
170 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide