Converting Your Source
┌┐─*LIBL/──────── ┌ ┐─source-file-member-name─
─ ─CVTRPGSRC─ ─FROMFILE──(─ ──┼ ┼─────────────── ─── ──source-file-name─ ─)──FROMMBR──(─ ──┼ ┼─*ALL──────────────────── ─)─────
├┤─*CURLIB/────── └ ┘─generic*-member-name────
─ ──┬ ┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───
──┬ ┬────────────────────────────────────────── ─────
│ │┌┐─*LIBL/──────── ┌ ┐─QRPGLESRC──────── │ │┌┐─*FROMMBR────────────────
└ ┘ ─TOFILE──(─ ──┬ ┬ ──┼ ┼─────────────── ──┴ ┴─source-file-name─ ─)─ └ ┘ ─TOMBR──(─ ──┴ ┴─source-file-member-name─ ─)─
│ │├┤─*CURLIB/──────
│ │└┘─library-name/─
└ ┘─*NONE───────────────────────────────────
─ ──┬ ┬──────────────────────── ──┬ ┬──────────────────────── ──┬ ┬──────────────────────── ──┬ ┬───────────────────────── ────
│ │┌┐─*NO── │ │┌┐─*YES─ │ │┌┐─*NO── │ │┌┐─*NO──
└ ┘ ─EXPCPY──(─ ──┴ ┴─*YES─ ─)─ └ ┘ ─CVTRPT──(─ ──┴ ┴─*NO── ─)─ └ ┘ ─SECLVL──(─ ──┴ ┴─*YES─ ─)─ └ ┘ ─INSRTPL──(─ ──┴ ┴─*YES─ ─)─
─ ──┬ ┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──┬ ┬──────────────────────────────────────── ───────────
│ │┌┐─*LIBL/──────── ┌ ┐─QRNCVTLG────── │ │┌┐─*FIRST───────────────
└ ┘ ─LOGFILE──(─ ──┬ ┬ ──┼ ┼─────────────── ──┴ ┴─log-file-name─ ─)─ └ ┘ ─LOGMBR──(─ ──┼ ┼─*LAST──────────────── ─)─
│ │├┤─*CURLIB/────── └ ┘─log-file-member-name─
│ │└┘─library-name/─
└ ┘─*NONE────────────────────────────────
All parameters preceding this point can be specified by position.
The parameters and their possible values follow the syntax diagram. If you need
prompting, type CVTRPGSRC and press F4. The CVTRPGSRC screen appears,
lists the parameters, and supplies default values. For a description of a parameter
on the display, place your cursor on the parameter and press F1. Extended help
for all of the parameters is available by pressing F1 on any parameter and then
pressing F2.
Specifies the name of the source file that contains the RPG III or RPG source
code to be converted and the library where the source file is stored. This is a
required parameter; there is no default file name.
Enter the name of the source file that contains the source member(s) to be
The system searches the library list to find the library where the source file
is stored.
The current library is used to find the source file. If you have not specified a
current library, then the library QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the source file is stored.
Specifies the name(s) of the member(s) to be converted. This is a required
parameter; there is no default member name.
The valid source member types of source members to be converted are RPG,
RPT, RPG38, RPT38, SQLRPG and blank. The Convert RPG Source
command does not support source member types RPG36, RPT36, and other
non-RPG source member types (for example, CLP and TXT).
384 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide