program/procedure call
recursive calls 130
returning from a called program or procedure 152
returning values 134
returning without ending 154
static calls 128
using the CALL operation 148
using the CALLB operation 148
within ILE 19
program/procedure end
abnormal end 153
after system call 109
normal end 152
return overview 152
returning without ending 154
using bindable APIs 155
programming tips
creating NOMAIN module 92
setting subprocedure breakpoints 196
prologue section of compiler listing 424
description 34
using 133
prototyped call
order of evaluation of parameters 146
prototyped program or procedure
prototyped call 34
PRTCTL (printer control)
example 324
general information 323
QUAL debug command
definition 164
querying names of called programs/procedures 149
random-by-key processing
example 299
general discussion 299
Reclaim Activation Group (RCLACTGRP)
RCLRSC command
Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command
reading a record 342
reading next record
with WORKSTN subfile 337
REALLOC (reallocate storage with new length) opera-
tion code 113
Reallocate Storage (CEECZST) bindable API 20
rebinding 86
Reclaim Activation Group (RCLACTGRP) command
deleting activation groups 112
named activation groups 110
Reclaim Resources (RCLRSC) command
ILE program 26
OPM-compatible program 24
to free storage 112
RECNO keyword
with relative-record-number processing 303
limits 291
locking 276
releasing 276
valid keys 285
record address file
conversion problems 392, 400
relative-record number 290
sequential-within-limits 290
with limits records 291
with relative record numbers 290
record address limits file
record address file
record address relative record number file
record address file
record format
for a subfile 335
ignoring 266
renaming 266
specifications for externally described file 282
record length of files, conversion considerations 380
record locking 276
calling condition handlers 238
recursive calls 46, 130
redirection, file
definition 262
general description 262
reducing object size 88, 166
Register Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit
Procedure(CEERTX) 244
Register ILE Condition Handler (CEEHDLR) API 238
relative record number record address file
record address file
relative-record number 291
relative-record-number processing 303
releasing a locked record 276
removing breakpoints
about 177
all 188
conditional job breakpoints 181
conditional thread breakpoints 187
unconditional job breakpoints 178
unconditional thread breakpoints 180
using statement numbers 185
removing objects from a debug session 172
Index 459