
Conversion Overview
If the converted source file has a record length less than 92 characters then an
error message will be issued and the conversion will stop. This is because the
record length is not long enough to contain the 80 characters allowed for source
code and so some code is likely to be lost.
File and Member Names
The unconverted member and the member for the converted output can only have
the same name if they are in different files or libraries.
The name of the converted source member(s) depends on whether you are con-
verting one or several members. If you are converting one member, the default is to
give the converted source member the same name as the unconverted member.
You can, of course, specify a different name for the output member. If you are con-
verting all source members in a file, or a group of them using a generic name, then
the members will automatically be given the same name as the unconverted source
Note that specifying the file, library and member name for the converted output is
optional. If you do not specify any of these names, the converted output will be
placed in the file QRPGLESRC and have a member name the same as the uncon-
verted member name. (The library list will be searched for the file QRPGLESRC.)
The Log File
The Conversion Aid uses a log file to provide audit trails on the status of each
source member conversion. By browsing the log file, you can determine the status
of previous conversions. You can access the log file with a user-written program for
further processing, for example, compiling and binding programs.
If you specify that a log file is to be updated, then its record format must match the
format of the IBM-suppled "model" database file QARNCVTLG in library QRPGLE.
Figure 200 on page 397 shows the DDS for this file. Use the following
CRTDUPOBJ command to create a copy of this model in your own library, referred
to here as MYLIB. You may want to name your log file QRNCVTLG, as this is the
default log file name for the Conversion Aid.
You must have object management, operational and add authority to the log file
that is accessed by the Conversion Aid.
For information on using the log file see “Using the Log File” on page 396.
Conversion Aid Tool Requirements
To use the Conversion Aid, you need the following authority:
*USE authority for the CVTRPGSRC command
*USE authority to the library that contains the source file and source members
*CHANGE authority to the new library that will contain the source file and con-
verted source members
object management, operational, and add authority to the log file used by the
Conversion Aid
Appendix B. Using the RPG III to RPG IV Conversion Aid 381