Data Management Operations and ILE RPG I/O Operations
The RPG program does not provide level checking for program-described files or
for files using the devices SEQ or SPECIAL.
For more information on how to specify level checking, see the
Data Management
Defining Program-Described Files
Program-described files are files whose records and fields are described on
input/output specifications in the program that uses the file. To use a program-
described file in an RPG program you must:
1. Identify the file(s) in the file description specifications.
2. If it is an input file, describe the record and fields in the input specifications.
The file name in positions 7 through 16 in the input specifications must be the
same as the corresponding name entered in the file specifications.
On the record-identification entries you indicate whether you want to perform
sequence checking of records within the file.
3. Enter the same file name as in step 1 in the FACTOR 2 field of those calcu-
lation specifications which require it. For example, WRITE operations to a
program-described file require a data structure name in the result field.
4. If it is an output file, describe the record and fields in the output specifications.
In addition, you specify how the output is to be printed. The file name in posi-
tions 7 through 16 in the output specifications must be the same as the corre-
sponding name entered in the file specifications.
A program-described file must exist on the system, and be in your library list,
before the program can run. To create a file, use one of the Create File commands,
which can be found in the
CL Reference (Abridged)
Data Management Operations and ILE RPG I/O Operations
Data management is the part of the operating system that controls the storing and
accessing of data by an application program. Table 17 on page 272 shows the
data management operations provided by the AS/400 and their corresponding ILE
RPG operation. It also shows which operations are allowed for which ILE RPG
device type.
Chapter 14. Defining Files 271