
Using a Compiler Listing
Using a Compiler Listing
This section discusses how to obtain a listing and how to use it to help you:
Fix compilation errors
Fix run-time errors
Provide documentation for maintenance purposes.
See Appendix D, “Compiler Listings” on page 423 for more information on the dif-
ferent parts of the listing and for a complete sample listing.
Obtaining a Compiler Listing
To obtain a compiler listing specify OUTPUT(*PRINT) on either the CRTBNDRPG
command or the CRTRPGMOD command. (This is their default setting.) The spec-
ification OUTPUT(*NONE) will suppress a listing.
Specifying OUTPUT(*PRINT) results in a compiler listing which consists
of the following sections:
Prologue (command option summary)
Source Listing, which includes:
In-Line diagnostic messages
Match-field table (if using the RPG cycle with match fields)
Additional diagnostic messages
Field Positions in Output Buffer
/COPY Member Table
Compile Time Data which includes:
Alternate Collating Sequence records and table or NLSS information and
File translation records
Array records
Table records
Message summary
Final summary
Code generation report (appears only if there are errors)
Binding report (applies only to CRTBNDRPG; appears only if there are errors)
The following additional information is included in a compiler listing if the appro-
priate value is specified on the OPTION parameter of either create command:
Specifications of externally-described files (appear in source section of
Source records of /COPY members (appear in source section of listing)
Chapter 6. Creating a Program with the CRTBNDRPG Command 63