externally described file
file description specifications for 265
output specifications for 269
overriding 267
physical and logical files 281
record format specifications 282
renaming field names 266
renaming record format 266
specifications 265
fetch overflow
See also
overflow (OA-OG, OV) indicators
general description 320
logic 320
changing the value while debugging 208
displaying attributes of while debugging 210
displaying while debugging
as hexadecimal values 205
in character format 205
in UCS-2 format 206
in variable-length format 206
using EVAL 199
equating with a name while debugging 210
maintaining current values while debugging 164
field-reference file, example of 283
device dependence 261
device independence 261
differences between ILE RPG and OPM
RPG/400 375
DISK 281
externally described 261
externally described disk 282
general considerations 261
indexed 288
locking 275
externally described 261
override 267
program-described 271
naming conventions 263
open options 277
override 267
See also
processing charts
sequential file 326
SPECIAL file 328
WORKSTN file 342
program described 261, 271
redirection 262
SEQ 290, 326
See also
SEQ file
sharing 277
valid keys 285
See also
file description specifications
commitment control 309
for externally described files 265
general description 3
file exception/error subroutine (INFSR)
description 229
example 229
specifications for 229
file exception/errors
definition 220
example 229
using an INFSR subroutine 229
file information data structure
example 229
using in an error subroutine 229
file locking 275
file operations
allowed with DISK file 306
allowed with PRINTER file 316
allowed with sequential file 326
allowed with SPECIAL file 328
allowed with WORKSTN file 341
file overrides 267
example 274
general discussion 273, 304
indicated in compiler listing 425
file record length, conversion considerations 380
file sharing 277
final summary in compiler listing 436
FIND debug command 165
FIXNBR parameter
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 417
CRTRPGMOD command 74
fetch-overflow logic 320
format name 339
format of compiler listing, specifying 64
formatted dump 251
FREE (deactivate a program) operation code 397
Free Storage (CEEFRST) bindable API 20
freeing resources of ILE programs 112
FROMFILE parameter 384
FROMMBR parameter 384, 388
function check
definition 218
unhandled 225
function keys
indicators 334
with WORKSTN file 334
452 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide