Technical Specification
Audio Inputs (four)
Type Electronically balanced (Pin 2 Hot)
Impedance (Ω) Balanced 20k, Unbalanced 10k
Common Mode Rejection >80dB @ 1kHz
Maximum level + 21dBu
Audio Outputs (eight)
Type Electronically Balanced (Pin 2 Hot)
Minimum load impedance 56Ω /20nF
Source impedance 56Ω
Maximum level + 21dBu into > 2kΩ
Performance (20Hz to 20kHz)
Frequency response +/- 0.3dB with all filters and EQ flat
Distortion @ +8dBu <0.02%
Dynamic range (unweighted) >113dB
Input Processing (per channel)
Gain +12dB to -40dB in 0.1dB steps plus Off
Delay 0 to 1 second in 20.83 us steps
(0 - 343.53 m or 0 - 1127' 0" at 20C)
Parametric EQ 1-12 Frequency range: 20Hz to 20kHz in 21 steps per octave
Boost/cut: +6/-18dB in 0.1dB steps
Bandwidth: 3.0 to 0.08
Threshold: +21dBu to -10dBu in 0.1dB steps
Attack: 40s to 100ms in 20s steps and 100ms –1s in 1ms steps
Release: 10ms to 2000ms in 10ms increments
Ratio: 1:1 to 5:1 in unit increments
Knee: Hard/Soft
Bypass: Yes/No
Output Processing (per channel)
Routing from Inputs None
From Channels A, B, C or D
From Channels A+B or C+D, with ratio control, attenuated by 6dB before summing
From Channels A+B+C+D, attenuated by 12dB before summing
Note: Sources comprising summed channels are only available if the input channel delays for
the summed channels are set to the same value.
Phase invert Normal/invert
Output gain +12dB to –40dB in 0.1dB steps plus Off
Delay 0 to 300 milliseconds
(0 – 103.06 m or 0 - 338' 1" at 20C)
Output phase correction filter
Phase angle: 0° to 180° in 5° steps. 0° is off
Angle Reference: LPF, HPF, LEQ/PEQ1, PEQ2, 3, 4, 5, or HEQ/PEQ6
Output all-pass filter
Freq. Range: 20Hz – 20kHz in 21 steps per octave
Phase shift 1
) or 2
) order
Q (2
order only) 0.4 to 6.0