Output Channels
1 The meter uses a downward relative scale where the 0 segment represents the limiter
threshold. For example, if the limiter threshold is set to +5dB in the output menu
page, then the signal meter 0 segment represents 5dBu true value, the –3 segment
becomes 2dBu down, - 6 becomes -1dBu down and so on.
The compressor threshold is also marked, relative to the limiter threshold, by a single
steadily lit segment. For example, when the limiter threshold is set to 8dBu, the 0
segment is 8dBu; if the compressor threshold is –1dBu, segment 9 will be lit.
Note If the limiter is set to OFF, the meter is scaled relative to 21dBu.
2 While the signal level lies below the compressor threshold, the meter lights upwards
from -40 such that the current headroom to both the compressor and limiter
thresholds can be monitored.
3 When the signal level reaches the compressor threshold level, the meter ‘flips’ and
reads downwards to show the amount of gain reduction applied to the signal.
4 With further increase, the meter reads in both directions: i.e., it increments upwards
to track the signal level as it approaches the limiter threshold and increments
downwards to show the applied gain reduction.
5 When the limiter kicks in, the meter flips to read downwards from the 0 segment
instead of just from the compressor threshold. It now shows the summed gain
reduction from both compressor and limiter.
6.4. Output Gain and Mute - Front Panel Control
Each output is equipped with a dual action rotary/push-switch control for adjusting or muting the
output level. Note that zero mark on the control refers to the baseline output level set in the Output
menu (see Section 6.2.4) and hence the rotary control provides fine-tuning referred to this level.
To increase/decrease the level turn clockwise/anti-clockwise
To mute an output push in and hold until the red ring lights
To un-mute an output push in and hold until the red ring light goes out.
To mute all outputs push in and hold an unlit output until it and then all
other controls light
To un-mute all outputs push in and hold a muted (lit) output until it and then
all other red rings go out