Sony HDX277WC Stereo System User Manual

For example, to find the scene at 2 hours, l0
miimtes, and 20 seconds after the
beginning. Press 2, 1.0, 2.0 ([2:10:20]).
4 Press Q.
You cannot search lbr a scene on a DVD+RW using
the time code.
PlayingMP3 Files/JPEG
You can play the MP3 files or JPEG image files:
which have the extension ".MP3" (MP3 file)
or ".JPG"/".JPEG" (JPEG image file)
which conform Io the DCF* image file formal
* "Design rule for Camera File syslem': hnage
slandards for digilal cameras regulaled by Japan
Eleclronics and lnl:ormalionTechnok)gy lnduslries
Associalion IJEITA).
• The system will play any dala with Ihe exlension
".MP3." ".JPG," or ".JPEG" even if Ihey are not in
MP3 or JPEG format. Playing these datt may
generale a loud noise which coukl damage your
speaker system.
• The system does nol conform Io audio in MP3PRO
• The syslem can recognize up Io 200 folders, and will
not play any folders beyond the200th. (Depending on
the folder configuralion, the number of folders that
can be recognized by,the system rely decrease.)
• The syslem can recognize up to 150 MP3 files/JPEG
image files in a foMer.
• The system may take longer time Ioplayback, when
progressing Io Ihe following l_)lder or julnp to other
• The system may not play cerlain lypes of JPEG image
files (ex. a JPEG image file Ihal is less lhan S (widlh/
x S (height)).
The folders recorded on the DATA CD or
DATA DVDappear. When a folder isbeing
played, itstitle is shaded.
01 Let's Talk About Love (1985