
44 SMART ANTENNA User Manual Rev 6
Appendix B SMART ANTENNA Development Kit
B.1 Development Kit
The SMART ANTENNA Development Kit allows you to easily evaluate the SMART ANTENNA. The
Development Kit implements the receiver’s operation and I/O functions using a PC, a serial/power cable with a
120 V AC to 12 V DC power adapter. The SUPERSTAR II is contained in the SMART ANTENNA unit, with
an external serial/power connector.
StarView is a Windows application running on a PC that allows communication with the receiver. Commands
and data requests can be sent through this application and received data is decoded and displayed in specific
windows. A data logging facility is also provided within this tool. Details on the use of StarView is provided in
the StarView User Manual (see Reference [5] on Page 12).
This section explains how to configure the Development Kit receiver, and how to interconnect the equipment.
See Page 37 for a list of SMART ANTENNA Development Kit contents and Table 4 and Table 5 starting on
Page 38 for variations in SMART ANTENNA models.
B.1.1 Setup and Operation
The default data transfer rate is 9600 bps unless your receiver model has Carrier Phase Output (CP)
capability with 19200 bps as the default.
Your receiver must be a BASE model to act as a base station.
A list of models may be found in Appendix A of the SUPERSTAR II Firmware Reference Manual, see
Reference [6] on Page 12.
B.1.1.1 Normal Setup
See Figure 11 on Page 19 when following these instructions:
1. Connect the SMART ANTENNA to a PC using the multi-purpose cable if it is provided.
2. Connect the power supply to the SMART ANTENNA using the power connector on the multi-
purpose cable.
3. Launch the StarView software application, see StarView Software Installation on Page 45. Refer
also to the StarView User Manual, see Reference [5] on Page 12.
B.1.1.2 DGPS Setup with the SMART ANTENNA
Set up the equipment as in Figure 24 on Page 45, for differential messages. Differential operation requires that
stations operate in pairs. Each pair consists of a base station and a rover station. For each receiver, the base and
the rover, follow the set-up steps in Section B.1.1.1 on Page 44. Then also connect a RS-232 communications
device to each SMART ANTENNA with a user-supplied connector on the multi-purpose cable’s open end. For
example this might connect to a radio modem, for sending or receiving differential GPS messages.
A differential network can also be established when there is more than one rover station linked to a single base
The base SMART ANTENNA must be initialized to fix its position (latitude, longitude and height of its phase
The rover station must be tracking the same satellites as the base station in order for corrections to take effect.
Only common satellite pseudoranges will use the differential corrections. When the rover is able to compute its
positions based on pseudorange corrections from the base station, its position accuracies will approach that of