26 SMART ANTENNA User Manual Rev 6
Chapter 3 Operation
3.7 Built-In Status Tests
The receiver performs self-tests and generates status information to provide an indication of the operational
readiness and to facilitate maintenance actions.
The built in test monitors system performance and status to ensure the receiver is operating within its
specifications. If an exceptional condition is detected, you are informed through one or more indicators. The
receiver status system is used to configure and monitor these indicators:
• Message ID# 49, Receiver Status Data
• Message ID# 51, Initiated BIT Result
Please refer to the SUPERSTAR II Firmware Reference Manual for details on the Message IDs above.
See also Section 3.6.2, Operational States starting on Page 24.
3.8 DATUM Support
The receiver has the ability to provide its position in one of the 62 predefined datums. The list of the supported
datum and details on Message ID# 88, Select/Define Datum to Use are provided in the SUPERSTAR II
Firmware Reference Manual. The receiver can also support two user-defined datums. You must define them,
prior to their use, using Message ID# 88. Afterwards, the desired datum, whether it is user-defined or
predefined, can be selected using the above message.