September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Neutral gray, choosing, 1–14, 1–29, 2–12, 2–25
New, 1–45, 2–41
New calibration table, creating, 1–16, 2–14
Normal Utility, starting up
Macintosh systems, 2–3
Windows 3.1x, 1–3
Windows 95, 1–5
Normal Utility calibration procedure
Macintosh systems, 2–14 to 2–40
printer calibration, 2–25 to 2–40
Windows systems, 1–16 to 1–44
printer calibration, 1–29 to 1–44
Normal Visual Gray Balance, 1–30, 1–47, 2–26
Number of Squares, 1–48, 2–44
OK, 1–51, 2–47
Open, 1–45, 2–41
existing calibration document, 1–19, 2–17
existing calibration table, 1–16, 2–14
Operating Calibration Utility
Macintosh systems, 2–3 to 2–40
using Easy Cal
Easy Cal Step 1, 1–7 to 1–8, 2–5 to 2–6
Easy Cal Step 2, 1–8 to 1–10, 2–7 to 2–8
Easy Cal Step 3, 1–10 to 1–12, 2–9 to 2–10
Easy Cal Step 4, 1–12 to 1–13, 2–11 to 2–12
Easy Cal Step 5, 1–14 to 1–15, 2–12 to 2–13
Macintosh systems, 2–4 to 2–13
Windows systems, 1–6 to 1–15
using Normal Utility
Macintosh systems, 2–14 to 2–40
Windows systems, 1–16 to 1–44
Windows systems, 1–3 to 1–44
Option descriptions, 1–45 to 1–53, 2–41 to 2–49