Calibration Utility for MACINTOSH
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
One, three, or four Density Value columns appear in the Input Test
Print Values dialog box, depending on the calibration your printer
requires (for black ribbon, three-color ribbon, or four-color ribbon).
The number of Density Value rows is determined by the selection in
Number of Squares
menu (15 or 38).
Valid characters in this dialog box include numbers from 0 to 9,
periods (.), and commas (,). The valid range is 0 to 3.999 (0 to 3,999).
Move from cell to cell using your keyboard’s arrow keys. You can
copy and paste any group of contiguous fields in a rectangular pattern.
10. Type the test print values in the text boxes.
NOTE: You can import densitometer data automatically with an
import module. If your densitometer has an associated import
module, the densitometer readings will be imported directly into
the dialog box. Using the Kodak File Reader, you can read in
a file of data and specify the end of Field and End of Record
characters. For more information, refer to “Import” on
page 2–40.
11. Click on the
Recompute the Table
The calibration table is computed using the specified values and the
Calibration Document window appears.