VR-2090iVR-20BOiKRF-V88810/KRF-V? 7710 [En!K]
Compared to standard remote controls, the remote control supplied with this receiver has several operation modes. These _'"_--
modes enable the remote control to perform display operations and control other audlo/video components. In order to
effectively use the remote control it is important to read the operating instructions and obtain a proper understanding of the
remote control and how to switch its operation modes (etc.}.
Using the remote control without completely understanding its design and how to switch the operation modes may result in
incorrect operations.
How to use this manual
Composition of this manual
This instruction manual is composed of the following 6 chapters.
RC Operations
Listenning Music
Information to be read before using this unit
Procedures for connecting other components.
Procedure for setting up the remote control unit so that i1:can control this ua_t as well as the connected
Procedures for remote contro ling the connected components,
Procedures for play ng musc, listen ng to radio and surround play
Troubleshooting nformation, specfication data, etc.
Example of operation description
In this ma nuat, the menu display on the remote control unit is shown o n the left half of page while the right half shows the details
operating procedures, supplementary description, related notes and caution.
Remote control menu (Left side)
Operating Operating
procedure step procedure text
elect the mode from the
Selection cursor
Detailed operating procedure (Right side)
Use the joystick to m eve the selection curso rto the desired DSP
mode and press the ENTER kay.
Arena : the audio atmosphere in the front row of a
large concert arena.
Jazz Club : a smaller, more intimate setting, with the
listener setting close to the music,
Stadium : the audio environment of a vast, open-alr
Cathedral : the musical ambience of a large, enclosed
space with a high, open ceiling.
Theater : the crisp acoustics of theater setting.
• adjust the audio in the "DSP Mode"_ select the "Prmtr"
(Parameter) icon,
"_ Shortest setup for surround play
t_ To enable surround play n the shortest amount of time, folow t_o stops in [he table of contents that are highlighted by a _._(star)
The # (star) symboIs are also found on the bottom right or left of the pages contaioning the shortcut steps.