"Accessories" control
VR 2090/VR-2080/KRF-V8881DIKRF-V7771 D [Er_/KJ
r_ Perform selection in the "Function"menu.
O Select the "Accessories" icon,
_'_ Perform selection in the "Accessories"menu.
I;,_-_.,=[÷ Ill l 0 Select "1 '° to "8".
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"Home Automation" control
r_ Perform selection in the "Function" menu.
0 Select the "Home Automation" icon,
r_ Perform selection in the "Home Automation menu.
mm"['zzzx_z_z]_=('z*_P'l_|=;!! O Select the "X-10" icon,
• The "X-10", "Lutron" or "Makita '° setting screen c_r_ be opened.
_ Perform selection in the "X-tO (1-8)menu.
O Select one of "1" to "8", "All On", "All Off", _Bright" and/or
"Dim".All On
All Off
Dim : Dimmer
Sel : Select
• The "Sel" icon aflows you to swtch between "X-lO (1-8)" and
"X-t0 (9-16} _