In Sirius tuner source
Information Display
Channel Name "Channel Name"
Song Title "Song Title"
Artist Name "Artist Name"
Composer name "Composer Name"
Category Name "Category Name"
Label "Label Name"
Comment "Comment"
Band & Channel Number "Channel Number"
• Auxiliary input name is displayed for the Auxiliary input source.
• If the Disc title, Track title, Song title & Artist name, or Album
name & Artist name is selected when the disc which does not
have Disc title, Track title, Song title, Album name, or Artist name
is played, track number and play time are displayed.
•If the text for the Sirius tuner source, including Channel name, etc.
is selected when the channel which does not have text for the
Sirius tuner source, including Channel name, etc. is played, band &
channel number is displayed.
— 21 —
The text display in the Upper text display part
In Tuner source
Information Display
Station name,
Program Service name or Frequency
Radio text,
Program Service name or Frequency
Frequency "BAND+ch+FREQ"
In CD & External disc source
Information Display
Disc title "DISC-TITLE"
Track title "TRACK-TITLE"
Track number & Play time "P-Time"
Disc name "DNPS"
In MP3/WMA source
Information Display
Song title & Artist name "TITLE/ARTIST"
Album name & Artist name "ALBUM/ARTIST"
Folder name "FOLDER NAME"
File name "FILE NAME"
Track number & Play time "P-Time"
Disc name "DNPS"
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