
98 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
The TEST command subsystem allows you to run a self-test and returns
information about self-test errors and results from the *TST? command.
Subsystem Syntax TEST
:ERRor? <test_number>
:NUMBer? <test_number>,<cycles>
TEST:ERRor? <test_number> returns a binary coded decimal (BCD) number
and a string giving details about the error associated with the test number
returned by the *TST? command or the array of errors returned by the
TEST:TST[:RESults]? command. The string returns parameters of the test
such as span, min, max and standard deviation.
Comments The *TST? command returns only the first test that failed. Use the
TEST:TST[:RESults]? command for a complete list of all failures resulting
from a *TST? command. The response may indicate, in detail, what caused
the self-test error. See Appendix C for information on self-test errors.
TEST:NUMBer? <test_number>,<cycles> allows you to cycle through a
self-test a specified number of times instead of running the entire suite of
self-tests as is performed with the *TST? command. This command returns
the number of times the specified test failed out of the specified number of
times the test was cycled. For example, send TEST:NUMB? 2,5 to cycle
through test number “2” five times. A “5” is returned if all five test cycles fail.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
test_number numeric 1 through 94 None
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
test_number numeric 1 through 94 None
cycles numeric 1 through 32767 None