158 Digitizers Verification Tests Appendix D
Performance Test Record
The Performance Test Record for the E1563A and E1564A digitizers is a
form you can copy and use to record performance test results for the
digitizers. This form shows the digitizer accuracy limits, the measurement
uncertainty from the source and the test accuracy ratio (TAR).
NOTE The accuracy, measurement uncertainty and TAR values shown on the
Performance Test Record are valid ONLY for the specific test conditions,
test equipment and assumptions described. If you use different test
equipment or change the test conditions, you will need to compute the
specific values for your test setup.
Digitizer Accuracy Accuracy is defined for gain measurements using the 1-year specifications
in Appendix A. The "High Limit" and "Low Limit" columns represent the
digitizer accuracy for the specified test conditions.
Measurement Uncertainty as listed in the Performance Test Record is
calculated assuming a Fluke 5700A for all measurements. The uncertainties
describe error you can expect from the source. These uncertainties are
calculated from the 90-day accuracy specifications for the Fluke 5700A.
Test Accuracy Ratio
Test Accuracy Ratio (TAR) = (high limit - expected measurement) divided by
measurement uncertainty. "N/A" means measurement uncertainty and TAR
do not apply to the measurement. A small TAR indicates the uncertainty of
the source signal starts to approach the digitizer's specification limit.